The Board of Chinalco Yunnan Copper Resources Ltd. continues to focus on transforming the Company into a substantial mid-tier mining group, with a primary focus on acquiring and developing near-term copper production activities as well as conducting exploration in the Mount Isa region of north-western Queensland. JCHX Group Co., Ltd, through a 100% subsidiary, Bienitial International Co. Ltd. has agreed to provide initial funding to CYU of an amount of AUD 4.5 million, which is in the form of: a share placement of AUD 1 million and a convertible bond issue of AUD 3.5 million.

As part of the initial JCHX funding, the Chairman of JCHX, Mr. Wang Xiancheng, shall join the Board of CYU. Mr. Wang is a well-known and highly regarded Chinese businessman and his skills and expertise will be of significant benefit to CYU as it pursues its activities in the DRC.