Asure Software, Inc. announced that Joining the Asure board of directors include nationally-recognized Bjorn Reynolds, founder and chief executive officer of Safeguard Global, Laureen DeBuono, partner emeritus at FLG Partners, and Carl Drew, chief financial officer at Harvard Maintenance. Additionally, Randy Waterfield, chairman of Waterfield Group, informed the board of his intention to resign from Asure’s board of directors, effective March 31, 2020. Further, Asure announces that effective March 31, 2020 Rhonda Parouty, the company’s chief operating officer, left the company. Rhonda leaves Asure with an effective executive management team to handle this transition as it continues to provide innovative payroll and HCM SaaS solutions to small and midsize businesses. Laureen DeBuono, In her current role as partner emeritus of FLG Partners, she supports advisory and executive coaching work, including helping high growth companies scale operationally and financially, and then execute on strategic opportunities.