Hours after he was named, Finance Minister Ghazi Wazni also said the government must decide on its approach to a $1.2 billion Eurobond maturing in March.

"The government must take a clear position on this because the previous government did not. It tossed over this ball of fire," Wazni told local broadcaster al-Jadeed.

Lebanon formed a new government on Tuesday after the Shi'ite Hezbollah movement and its allies agreed on a cabinet that must urgently tackle the crisis.

Dollar shortages have led the pegged Lebanese pound to slump. People have lost jobs as inflation has soared. Tight banking controls have depositors worried for their savings and protesters turning their ire on the banks.

"We now have multiple crises that are very big and exceed by far those of the past," Wazni said. "We are in a state of collapse and if we continue this way, we will be in a phase of brankruptcy ... Today, people are at the doors of the banks begging for money."

Wazni, an economist who had served as an adviser to parliament's finance and budget committee, said the Cabinet will have to come up with "a comprehensive rescue plan" to restore confidence.

(Reporting by Ellen Francis and Tom Perry; Editing by Leslie Adler and Grant McCool)